Trusted Affiliates and Recommended Companies
Social Champ is a platform where you can connect multiple social media platforms together. When you post to one you post to all.
DeleteMe removes consumers' personal and private information from the leading people search and data broker websites online. We submit opt-outs on behalf of our subscribers to have these websites take down their personal information that is on display for the public. Some of the worst sites out there include,, and, all of which are a part of DeleteMe's service.
LifeLock is another way a person can not only own their digital self but is an insurance policy that protects you if someone were to steal your identity. There are multiple policies to choose from to best fit your needs and life style.
Photobucket is a platform that allows members to easily and safely upload and store photos and videos. iOwnMe has approved photobuckets terms and services that allow you ownership and privacy. Unlike other platforms, photobucket does not use, share or monetize your content.
Patreon is a privatized social media platform that allows you to migrate off of public platforms and into a safe and private one. By utilizing Patreon to its fullest, members can monetize and create communities on a different level than normal conventions.